
About Blaxhall.com

Blaxhall.com went online in March 2001. Since then it has grown from its initial handful of pages to over a hundred, with the history section especially transformed from a couple of lines and photographs to a treasure trove of information, thanks to the input of Shane Pictor. Many visitors arrive at the site researching family links to the village, and are delighted to find mention (or better still photographs) of ancestors.

The site is privately funded and managed by me, Jonathan Cutting, but the news page is at present a joint effort between myself and Shane. It is hoped that a few more people will volunteer to submit news items, so if you are interested please contact me using the contact form.

Although the Parish Council have in the past sent over the newsletters for publication on the site, (and we hope will continue to do so thanks Joyce! :)) Blaxhall PC does have its own website courtesy of OneSuffolk.

The style and design of the site has changed over the years, and I hope that visitors find navigating around the various sections a simple matter. However I am far too close to the design to be able to see it objectively, and any criticism or praise is gratefully received. If you have an idea for the site, or if there is something about Blaxhall.com you just can't stand then do please fill in the anonymous feedback form. By all means reveal yourself at the end of your message if you so wish!

We hope you enjoy your visit!