Blaxhall Festival Weekend - 2007

The poppies were in full bloom on the weekend of the festival this year, the large field around the church a gorgeous red in contrast to the pure white to be found inside. This year the theme for St Peter’s petronal festival was angels, and there was a host of them to be seen in the beautifully decorated windows. Clara Jenkins had reportedly toiled late into the night making the angels for the displays and it was clearly worth every minute of lost sleep.

The weather was pleasant enough, which is something of a godsend considering what a wash out 2007 has been so far! The delicate and airy displays did not want for light and the church attracted a steady stream of visitors over the weekend.

The church was one of three venues in use over the weekend, with the village hall hosting the art show and the youth
hostel accommodating a fine show by Blaxhall Archive Group.