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Thomas Lawson Kent

Area map

Thomas was born in Thorpe Hall, Hoxne in 1887 to Thomas & Anna. It's not yet known how he came to be representing Blaxhall in the Great War, although we do know that his two brothers were also on Blaxhall's roll call. At least one of them, George, was back in Thorpe Hall by the 1920s.

Serving with the 1st Battalion of the Suffolk Yeomanry, Thomas landed at Walker's Pier on the Gallipoli peninsular on the 10th of October 1915, at a time when the campaign had already been essentially abandoned following 6 months of little progress and heavy casualties against stubborn Turkish resistance. Minor skirmishes and shelling meant casualties continued to rise however right up until the beach head was evacuated in December (See below for larger map).

Like so many others, he has no known grave, his name being one of the 21,000 commemorated on the Helles Memorial.

Victory MedalBritish War Medal1914/15 Star

Campaign area