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Blaxhall Parish Council Newsletter

No 46 Summer 2003 Written by Maureen Adie


You now have a new Parish Council. Some old members and some new, they are: Chairman - Phillip Dunnett, Vice Chairman - Stephen Smedley, and Gary Borrett, Graham Bowles, Jasper Dickinson, Robert Mackenzie, Nigel Suckling, Shirley Taylor, and Maureen Adie (co-opted). I am the Public Transport representative on the Parish Council, a job I have been doing unofficially since I stood down from the Council Four years ago. Our thanks go to those members of the Parish Council who served it ably but did not wish to be re-elected.


Blaxhall Village Fete. 16thAugust at 2.30pm. Please contribute generously to the many stalls and come along and enjoy a really good time, The monies taken will, as usual, be divided between the Village Hall, the Playing Field, and the Church, Please make sure that your vegetables etc. are ready to take along to the marquee on the field between 9am and 12 noon on the Fete Day. Let's make sure it is the best ever. Any problems please 'phone Clara Jenkins on 688558.


Car Boot Sale - This was held on a Saturday as Friday Street had one on the Monday, unfortunately this was not a great success but thanks to those who did support it.


Allotment Rent will due for renewal on the 3rd September 2003. The Clerk will be in the Village Hall at 6.45pm to collect them.


Missing Cat - Do you know of anyone who has lost a small cat? If so contact Shirley Taylor who has been kindly taking care of it.


Wanted - Your photos of activities on Blaxhall Village Hall. Our application for Lottery funding is nearing completion! To make our bid as successful as possible we want to put together an album of photos illustrating the wide range of events that have taken place in the hall in recent years. Do you have any photos of:


In fact anything which demonstrates what a valuable asset the Village Hall is to our community. It it took place in the Village Hall then we would like to see it. If you can help the please send your photos to: STEVE SMEDLEY MILL WALK HOUSE BLAXHALL Tel 01728 688 751. Please make sure photos carry your name and address so they can be returned safely. Digital images can be emailed to :


Village computer - This is housed at the Youth Hostel and can be accessed when it is open, after 5pm Tuesday to Saturday or by arrangement with Nigel (the warden) on 688206.


British Red Cross - thank you for your generosity in giving to the door to door collection in Blaxhall, we made a very commendable total of £138.13. Well Done! .


Blaxhall Art Group - This is held every Thursday from 10am to 4pm in the Village Hall for those either interested in learning or practising painting skills. You do not need any experience and initially we supply all the materials you will need. Cost £2.50 half a day or £4.00 all day. Do come along if you are interested in joining this friendly group. You will be made very welcome, or Phone Clara on 688558 for more information.

Blaxhall Bowls Group - Meets every Monday at 7.30pm come along for a taster session. Cost £1 per evening.

Blaxhall Line Dancing Group - Meets every Thursday from7.30 to 9pm. This a very informal affair all are welcome to "have go". Cost £1 per evening

Mobile library - this is positioned at the Youth Hostel fortnightly from 9.30am Due next on the 6th August.


Bus Service - As regular users know, the 181 service has been seriously curtailed with buses terminating at Woodbridge Turban Centre, involving a 17 minute wait for a connection to Ipswich. I, and others, made very strong protests to Suffolk County Council with the result that although we still have to change at Woodbridge the 181 now leaves Blaxhall at 29 minutes past the hour ( two hourly) thus with just a 2 minute wait at Woodbridge. The same applies travelling to Aldeburgh 45 minutes past the hour from Blaxhall (two hourly). Full details outside the bus shelter.
The 123 bus times remain the same 7.29 to Ipswich and 5.12 from Ipswich to Blaxhall. Queries - 'phone the Traveline 08706082608 8am - 8p. daily


I'm sure we all regret the illness and death of Kenny French, he is sadly missed - a real village character!


The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 3rd September2003 in the Village Hall starting at7.30pm. ALL WELCOME.


There will be no drop in coffee morning in the Village Hall during August. The next one will be Tuesday 23rd September, why not come and have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee with home made cakes, all welcome.


Shirley Taylor will be holding a Coffee morning in the Village Hall on Friday September 26 in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief. This will be part of the Biggest Coffee Morning held through out the country in aid of this charity, please give all the support you can. More details Shirley Taylor on 688220