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Blaxhall Village Newsletter

Number 49. Edited by Jasper Dickinson

Your Contact points:

Parish Councillors and their involvements on sub-committees and other activities:

Chairman Phillip Dunnett, Vice Chairman Steve Smedley (Phillip and Steven are on all sub-committees)

Allotments: Jasper Dickinson, Bob Mackenzie

Playing Field: Gary Borrett, Jasper Dickinson, Shirley Taylor

Village Hall: Graham Bowles, Jasper Dickinson, Bob Mackenzie, Steve Smedley, Nigel Suckling

Parish Plan: Bob Mackenzie

Transport: Maurine Adie

Blaxhall Festival Weekend: 26th / 27th June

The Patronal Festival of St Peter with funds going towards the important Church restoration work. Everyone is encouraged to come, and the programme of events includes the following:

Flower Festival:

At the Church, with ploughman’s lunches and afternoon teas available on both days.

There is a Service in the Church on Sunday 27th at 11am.

A Blaxhall Medley:

An evening of poetry and prose and Music in St Peters Church on Saturday 26th @ 7.30pm
(See further details below)

Craft Festival:

Crafts, pottery, knitting and spinning at Longfield Nursery, Stone Common

Saturday and Sunday 11am to 5pm, parking available.

Art Exhibition:

in the Village Hall on both Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 5pm

A Blaxhall Medley:

As part of the festival weekend, there will be evening entertainment at St Peter’s from 7.30pm on Saturday 26th. It will be an informal mix (’a medley’) of music, song, poetry and prose, performed by local mainly Blaxhall people. There will be the Blaxhall singers, bell ringers, readings by Eveline Savage and Richard Rope from George Ewart Evans works, community singing, organ music, as well as individual items by Diane Keeble Ramsey, (Blaxhall / Suffolk songs), Rona Lear, Shirley Taylor, Joan and Dick Hurren, Bob and Dorris Ling (who many of you will know) amongst others. (Any others wishing to perform contact Tim & Tilly Locker 688618).

It should be a fun evening, so we hope to see you there with family & friends.

Admission will be by ticket bought in advance only (owing to limited seating capacity), so you are advised to get yours early! Tickets £4 (to include a glass of sparkling wine & Suffolk Rusk) will be on sale from mid-May when further information will be available.

Blaxhall Summer Fete:

The fete this year will be held on Saturday 21st August. Any ideas for stalls or offers of help please contact Clara Jenkins on 688558.

Volunteers for the Tug O war teams please contact Graham Bowles on 688192.

Any books for the bookstall please contact Jasper Dickinson 688243 for collection.

A Summer Ball, Village Hall 5th June:

The first fund raising event for the Blaxhall Village Hall Fund, A Summer Ball, with strawberries, a licensed bar, and dancing to the excellent live band, Buckshee. Saturday 5 June 2004.

Tickets in advance from Graham Bowles, Chairman and other members of the Village Hall Management Committee. 

If you would like to help with this and other forthcoming events contact Joy Shaw (01728) 688 309

Charabanc Outing, Saturday 17th July:

A revival of the Blaxhall Charabanc outing - Saturday 17 July; a trip to Blakeney, North Norfolk leaving Blaxhall 8.30am and returning in the evening. Tickets (approx £10 depending on size of coach), available in advance along with further details, from Maggie Grenham (01728) 688 611 or Joy Shaw (01728) 688 309.

Arts and Crafts:

The summer months have had many exhibitions and festivals held in our area. Stratford St Andrew Village Hall are holding an all day Art Exhibition on Sunday 9th May where members from Blaxhall and Little Glemham Arts Groups will be exhibiting their work.

Blaxhall Crafts Festival will be held on the 26th / 27th June as mentioned above, and if anyone has any work they would like displayed then please ring Maggie on 688611.

June has the Open Studio weekends in this area. Look out for the leaflets in your library and posters in local shops. This is a chance to visit the artists in their own Studios and view and buy their work. We are so lucky that we have many artists and craftspeople living and working in this part of Suffolk.

August is the month for the Suffolk Craft Society to hold their annual exhibition in Aldeburgh. Look out for posters for dates.

Blaxhall Art Group continues to thrive, and has vacancies in the afternoon session from 1pm to 3pm every Thursday. We offer low key friendly tuition, demonstrations, trips to London and local Galleries, and social events. A welcoming group that shares its love of art and crafts. Further information from Clara Jenkins (688558) or Jen Bowles (688192).


The community car service can be used for certain journeys where a family car or suitable public transport is not available, for example local shopping, visiting friends or relatives in Hospital, local visits to Doctor, Dentist or Optician (but not for work, school, day care and hospital or clinic appointments). Cars are provided by volunteers and passengers contribute by paying 27p a mile. Volunteer car drivers are paid 32p per mile (we have been told Blaxhall can be included in this scheme). MORE VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE NEEDED - CAN YOU HELP?

Woodbridge Area Community Car Service - Tel. 01473 738292 book between 9.30a.m - 1.00p.m. Mondays and Fridays.

Woodbridge Area Dial a Ride (Coastal Area Transport Service - Office hours Mon-Fri. 10-l and 2-4p.m.Tel: 01728 830516) This service is for the mobility impaired or frail elderly people unable to use buses. It is a door to door service for local journeys in a small minibus with easy steps and a wheelchair lift. Users can be of any age but must register. One escort may travel with each passenger if necessary. The costs are: Annual Registration fee £5.00 single fares From £1.20 - £3.30 each person according to distance

The Parish Council Budget

The annual budget for the Parish Council (the precept) is decided at the beginning of the financial year, and takes into account expected expenditure over the following year. This year it was agreed upon to increase the precept, to cover amongst other things a substantial contribution towards the upgrading of the village hall, for which a lottery grant has been applied for, but for which the village is still expected to make a contribution.